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Perinatal Grand Rounds

This series is designed to meet the needs of a broad range of perinatal stakeholders. Topics are selected from suggestions submitted to WAPC and current trends in perinatal health. If you have any presentation suggestions, please use this form.

Interactive live sessions will be held virtually, with recordings available afterward. Continuing education credits for both CNE/NCPD and CME will be offered for attendees of both live and recorded sessions for up to three weeks following the session.

All sessions will be held virtually on the third Thursday of each month from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CT.

To receive credit, please submit your evaluations within three weeks of each session.

Topics and registration will be released quarterly.

There is no cost to attend the webinars, but registration is required.

Upcoming 2025 Sessions

All sessions are held live on the dates below from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. CT via Zoom. More topics and session dates will be released throughout 2024.

January 16 | Supporting Human Milk Feeding

Moderated Panel Discussion

This panel presentation will explore issues related to supporting human milk feeding in the community and the roles various providers can play to optimize outcomes.

February 20 | Infant Mortality Inequities: There Is More To the Causes Than the Individual

Speaker: Kathie DeMuth, RN, PhDc

The Black/White infant mortality rate (IMR) inequities in the United States (U.S.) are astounding compared to other developed countries. Historically, the U.S. has focused on individual causes for the inequity. The narrow focus has not improved the IMR inequities. We need to focus on intermediary and structural causes of the Black/White IMR inequity to save the lives of infants.

March 20| Identifying Obstetrical Needs Among Rohingya Refugee Women at Aurora Sinai Medical Center

Speakers: Sarah Yapo,, BA; Dahlia Tesfamichael, BS; Elizabeth Corey, MD, MPH

This presentation will focus on obstetric care for Rohingya refugees in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It will include a brief overview of the history of the Rohingya people as well as past studies regarding obstetric care for refugee populations. The main portion of this presentation will summarize the results from our quality improvement study to identify community-defined needs for obstetric care among Rohingya refugees who have delivered at Aurora Sinai in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during the past 5 years. We hope that this presentation will shed light on the Rohingya refugee experience in receiving obstetric care and help guide and improve the peripartum care we provide this refugee population.

Past Sessions

Past sessions will be available on our forthcoming learning management system.

October 24 | The Fourth Wave of the Overdose Crisis: The Role of Psychomotor Stimulants

Richard Rawson, PHD

Over the past decade, stimulants have been increasingly associated with overdose deaths. This presentation will explore the role of psychostimulants in the fourth wave of the overdose crisis and strategies for supporting health outcomes.

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

September 19 | Emergency Care During Pregnancy

Caitlin Pieschek, BSN, RN-BC, CEN | Brynn Legois, BSN, RN-BC, CEN

This presentation began with a case review and how we were able to identify best practices for care of the pregnant patient who arrives to the ED. We discussed how we were able to improve communication with maternity staff and ensure staff have the necessary education to follow standard of care. 

The presenters have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

August 15th | Perinatal Bereavement


Perinatal loss is one of the most devastating things any parent may have to face. Health care workers can have a significant impact on how parents experience bereavement, both positive and negative. This presentation will provide perspective for providers who work with families who experience perinatal loss. 

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

July 18 | Perinatal Mental Health


This PGR will review the prevalence, risk factors, clinical presentations and treatment options for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Recommendations related to screening for mental health concerns during and following pregnancy will be discussed. Lastly, clinical pearls related to the psychotropic medication use during lactation will be outlined. 

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

June 20th | Oral Health and Care During Pregnancy


Periodontitis is associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight. According to the CDC, nearly 60-75% of pregnant persons have gingivitis, an early stage of periodontal disease. A recent study reported that less than half of pregnant persons received a dental cleaning during pregnancy with marked disparities among some racial and ethnic groups and publicly insured persons. 

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

May 16th | Vaccinations in the Perinatal Period

Ann Ebert, PharmD

Over the past few years, vaccines have become a major issue during the perinatal period. Are vaccines during pregnancy safe? Can a vaccine harm my baby? Which vaccines should I get if I am pregnant? Are vaccines safe if I’m breastfeeding? This presentation will address many of the issues faced by families and clinicians. 

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

April 18th | Perinatal care for LGBTQ+ persons

Jessica Francis, MD

Perinatal care is essential for all pregnant persons. People who identify as LGBTQ+ may face challenges that affect their health and pregnancies. Many in the LGBTQ+ community who want to get pregnant or can become pregnant face stigma. To be equitable, providers must address stigma and provide an environment of respectful communication, trust, and inclusivity.

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

March 21st | The 5D Cycle for Perinatal Equity: Combining Black Feminism, Radical Imagination, and Appreciative Inquiry to Transform Perinatal Quality Improvement

Lauren Arrington, CNM, DNP

Many of us want to reduce perinatal racial inequities and yet feel ill-equipped to begin the process. This presentation equips participants with an integrated change management approach that grounds the 5D Cycle of Appreciative Inquiry in Black Feminism and Radical Imagination to serve as a conduit for equitable care. Participants will reflect on a health inequity they would like to address and develop three health equity goals to apply to their own practice.

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

February 15th | Evaluation of a Data Quality Assessment Methodology Applied to a Maternal Infant Clinical Data Registry to Assess the Utility of the Data for Research


The WI-MIOS faculty will be presenting an overview of the PeriData.Net® and how to modify and use the data variables for studies, monitoring outcomes, and trends. The content will focus on priority variables and topics that are current drivers of maternal health and infant outcomes. We will provide suggestions for data that is valuable for studies and improvement projects.

The presenter has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Continuing Education

Learners will have three weeks following each session to complete the evaluation. Those that meet that deadline will receive their CE certificate within 1 month of the session date. To receive credit, participants must attend the entire session and complete the evaluation. In addition to CNE or CME certificates, participants can also request a certificate of participation not associated with an accrediting body. To receive the certificate, participants must complete the evaluation and request the certificate.

Nursing Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Medical Education

The Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care (WAPC) is an approved provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Wisconsin Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.  

This internet live course meets the criteria for a maximum of 1.0 contact hours. 

The Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care is accredited by the Wisconsin Medical Society to provide continuing medical education for physicians.  

The Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care (WAPC) designates this internet live course for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 

Planning Committee

Eva Fassbinder Brummel, MPH
Ayanda Crispin, BA
Erin Cronn, BSN, RN
Jessica Ewing, CNM
Charlene Galston, RNC-OB, BSN, ME-PD, IBCLC
Kate Gillespie, DNP, RN, CPH
Maria Green, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, C-ONQS
Megan Hardy, BSN, RN
Teresa Lass, BSN, RNC-MNN
Janet Letter, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM Nichole Logan, BSN, RN
Marissa Meagher, MPH
Laura Megna, MSN, IBCLC, RNC-NIC
Kyleigh Menke, RN, BSN
Kyle Mounts, MPH
Sara Onitsuka
Courtney Pickar, MS, RNC-OB, ACNS-BC, C-ONQS, C-EFM
Jeanne Rosendale, MSN, BSN, RN
Charles Schauberger, MD
Eileen Zeiger, MA

No one in control of content has any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.*

*Ineligible companies are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, reselling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.