Committees and Work Groups
Dedicated perinatal professionals and community members help us move the work forward with their time and expertise.

Work Groups
Levels of Care Review Team
Responsible for reviewing Levels of Care self-assessments and communicating with submitting facility about their level designation. This work group is paused for restructuring.
Risk Based Care
Responsible for working on statewide projects and policies related to regional collaboration and levels of care.
Professional Education/CEAP Provider Unit
Responsible for assuring compliance with accrediting bodies, monitoring certification requirements to assure WAPC offerings meet the diverse work force needs and exploring other strategies for supporting professional development.
PeriData.Net® Design Team
Responsible for reviewing and revising existing fields and responding to emerging data needs.
Perinatal Data
Responsible for identifying data sources relevant to perinatal health and utilizing data to improve perinatal health.
Publication Review Teams
Created ad hoc to support the creation or revision of perinatal health resources, WAPC position statements, and other materials to improve perinatal health care.